Understanding Consent: More than Meets the Eye

As interpreters, what are we really taught about consent? Not much! Especially as it is not part of the usual curriculum nor a knowledge requirement for certification. Some healthcare interpreters know of consent and others, through work experience, gain basic knowledge of what to expect when a provider is attempting to ensure informed consent or, as may be the case for court interpreters, when an attorney is questioning if informed consent was indeed obtained. It is the intention of this presentation to expand the attendees knowledge on the subject of consent. Why? Because the better we understand consent, the more we realize that there is more than meets the eye.
1.0 Units of continuing education approved by CEAP for CCHI certified interpreters.
0.1 Units of continuing education approved by IMIA for NBCMI certified interpreters.
0.0 Units of continuing education approved by Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for certified medical interpreters.
Continuing education approved by the ATA is available with live classes.
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What We'll Learn

Define informed consent.
Review relevant ethical principles applicable to interpreting during consent.
Take a deeper dive + the elements of consent.
Discuss special circumstances and situations.
Present legal cases to bolster understanding.
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