State Court Interpreter Oral Exam Prep
New Court Interpreter Oral Exam Prep Class! It has more than 28 hours of training now. Many states will start testing soon, and it is the perfect time to start preparing.

A New Way of Learning
Our instructor will give a roadmap of what to expect in the exam, help you anticipate exam content, show you what the raters are looking for, and teach you how to overcome the biggest causes of exam failure.

This online course features
Materials Made with Purpose
Review materials that are pertinent to the test. Every lesson, video, audio, and text was designed to improve your performance during the oral portion of the exam.

Class Schedule
We have tripled the hours of training and have added more materials. Now more than 28 hours of training.
Recorded Classes
Registration Options
Online courses are available 24/7 while live classes are scheduled throughout the year to give updates.

Online Course
Pre-recorded class available through a user account created on your first registration.

Live Class
Instructor-led session facilitated by our team as a webinar or in a classroom setting.
Meet your Instructors
Our experts have gathered all their knowledge from long years of experience in their respective fields and condensed it in order to prepare any interpreter for the challenge.

Édgar Hidalgo
Director, Specializing in Court Interpreting